Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day

Like all things underrated and taken for granted, I never fully appreciated my mother until I became a mother myself.  And I'm learning that the rewards of motherhood far outweigh its costs... they must, because my mom has surely forgotten all the heartache (well, most of it) that I remember I caused her!

A package from Mike gets Mother's Day weekend started early

A tower of treats from Harry & David - Max was excited, too!

"Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD,
         The fruit of the womb is a reward."
--Psalm 127:3

Moms were honored with roses during church service

Giving Mom the gift of music with a private live concert

No, that's not our sister. ;)

Great husbands come from great moms (and grandmothers)!

The best gifts on Mother's Day

In the children committed to her care, every mother has a sacred charge from God. "Take this son, this daughter," He says; "train it for Me; give it a character polished after the similitude of a palace, that it may shine in the courts of the Lord forever."  
    The mother's work often seems to her an unimportant service. It is a work that is rarely appreciated. Others know little of her many cares and burdens. Her days are occupied with a round of little duties, all calling for patient effort, for self-control, for tact, wisdom, and self-sacrificing love; yet she cannot boast of what she has done as any great achievement. She has only kept things in the home running smoothly; often weary and perplexed, she has tried to speak kindly to the children, to keep them busy and happy, and to guide the little feet in the right path. She feels that she has accomplished nothing. But it is not so. Heavenly angels watch the care-worn mother, noting the burdens she carries day by day. Her name may not have been heard in the world, but it is written in the Lamb's book of life.
--Ministry of Healing (E.G. White), p. 376-377.

1 comment:

Mike said...

I miss you all so much. I'm glad you enjoyed the gift - wrapping and all! I love you!