Monday, September 22, 2008

Maxwell is 2!

We celebrated Maxwell's 2nd birthday over the weekend at one of his all-time favorite places: the aquarium! And on the way home, we stopped for Japanese food (another Max favorite) which was topped off with tempura ice cream (which, ironically, we had to trick Max into tasting). Today, he & I had some one-on-one time at the park which was followed by a pizza dinner with Grandma & Grandpa and more birthday ice cream (courtesy of Auntie Val). The only favorite thing that was missing was Daddy, whom he did get to talk with on the phone and webcam... and who sent Thomas the Train as his representative! (Can't wait to see you again, Mike!)

Scenes from Max's birthday:

It's hard to believe that my baby son has become a little boy. His personality and unique characteristics and interests have been developing and evolving along with a rapidly expanding vocabulary and unexpected motor skills. I have been especially amazed by his increasing self-confidence and independence. Not that he's doing his own dishes or anything. (Although, I can hardly wait till that day comes!) From the simple task of using the appropriate utensil to move food from his plate to his mouth (without spilling most of it somewhere between), to fearlessly swimming across the pool with nothing but inflatable arm floaters to assist him, to sharing his toys with Maya or cousin Josiah without even being asked... these little things make the infamous "two's" seem not so "terrible".

Early rhythm perception and motor coordination at 1 year old:

Refining his hand-eye coordination at 2 years old:

1 comment:

Rhona said...

Belated birthday wishes, Max! I look forward to dancing with Max someday. =) He's quite the basketball player, too. He certainly has the Mercado genes. =D