Monday, March 24, 2008

Max And a Half

Who would've imagined that such character and personality could be developed in just 18 months of eat, sleep, and play? Now 1-1/2 years old, Maxwell has been unfurling his true colors throughout the past several months and revealing to us little glimpses of who this little man really is.

Daycare was a new frontier which he boldly explored and made himself at home in. As much as he blossomed there, so did the microbes. (Unfortunately, it comes with the territory.) Mike and I were desperate for an alternative, and God apparently anticipated that. Last December, a young couple had arrived to Guam: Mike Woods accepted a call to work in the SDA Clinic's IT department, and his wife Larae "happened" to be a certified nanny. Before starting my job at the SDA Clinic and while looking into childcare options, we had heard about her soon-arrival, even saw a copy of her resume, and actually contacted Larae via e-mail about possibly working for us in caring for Max. Because of the timing of my start-date and their arrival, however, things didn't work out... until early February when Max seemed to have an eternal cold and we found out that Larae had not yet found a long-term job!

Since the beginning of March, Larae has been coming to our home 3 days a week and giving Max the quality of care that we had been praying for. With a predictable meal and nap routine AND a variety of indoor and outdoor activities, Max's personality and enthusiasm for life has grown tremendously... and we're much happier to not be chasing him around with a Kleenex. ;)

Here are snippets of Max's adventures over the past few months:

Max explaining the proper use of a sphygmomanometer... would be used by the next American Idol.


Calmly allowing Dr. Krejci to perform the 18-month well-baby exam

Auntie Larae and Uncle Mike

Sun-kissed by a Guam sunset (15 months)

Max's 1st visit to the dentist! (Dec '07)

Showing off those pearly whites

Max with dental hygienist and Loma Linda alum Shoshanna Ordelheide

Max... the real Super Mercado!

Some of Max's favorite hobbies:

A sampling of Max's photography!...


Sue said...

Sooo sweet! I love seeing all those fun pictures. I can't believe how big Max is getting! I'm so glad everything worked out with the nanny--what a blessing.

Bev said...

Ahhh, sweet Max! I loved his first dental visit pics. Looks like he did a great job staying still=)

Rhona said...

These are Max's precious moments... I'm amazed to see how much he's grown and cooperating so well in his first experiences. He is so much in the likeness and talents of his parents. =) What a blessing!