Sunday, March 30, 2008

Island Easter

A renewed life in Christ is the greatest inspiration to re-new relationships with our fellow man. And even deeper grow the roots of a family tree when we actually take the time to talk and walk with those who should really know us best.

For Easter weekend, we had the privilege of sharing the beauty of Guam with Mike's brother Sidney and my dear cousin Nikki. And of course, like part of the family, we were honored to have Beverly come out from Saipan and visit, too! Max was smothered with love from his aunties and uncle and has enjoyed re-acquainting himself with his inherited guardians. :)

Overlooking Cetti Bay with Uncle Sidney

Auntie Nikki crossed the Philippine Sea (and more) just to see us!

The boys standing watch at the old Spanish Fort Soledad

Grubbin' on kelaguen at Jeff's Pirates Cove...
and awaiting comments from Bev the food critic!

Catching coconuts with Nikki... What a team!

The one-man show!

"Wild" bananas outside Micronesia Mall

Someone to watch over me :)

Now this is a vacation!


Rhona said...

Great times with great friends!!! =)

Bev said...

I had so much fun! I'll see you guys back in Loma in May! Squeeze Max for me.