Friday, January 18, 2008

Live With Dr. Mike

I often laugh just thinking about it. I can't believe that I have my own health segment on an FM radio station on Guam! Just this past week I had the privilege of being a part of "Total Health" which is a weekly hour-long radio broadcast on KSDA 91.9 FM (or "Joy 92" as it is affectionately called). The goal of the broadcast is to educate people on a variety of health topics and to provide advice on how to maintain our bodies -- the "temples" that the Lord has blessed us with. Topics range from nutrition to women's health to diabetes to preventive care to just about any other health topic. It's surreal to think that hundreds (maybe thousands) of people are listening to me talk so I try and sound intelligent, and pretend that it's just me and the microphone. It really does blow me away to see how the Lord can use me well beyond the confines of the clinic.

Here's a clip that Gemma recorded while at home listening to my initial appearance as a guest on the show:


Rhona said...

HAPPY NEW 2008, Mercado family. that's great, Dr. Mike. Love your talk radio. (it's also cute to hear Max in the background listening to his daddy, but asking for mommy.) =D

Godfrey said...

Proud of Dr. Mike! Sounds like a great opportunity and a practical ministry. Can't wait to see how God keeps expanding the influence of the Mercado family! =)

Sue said...

Wow,'re famous!