Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Back to the Beginning

Well, the moving-in is still in progress with over 10 boxes that have yet to be unpacked. Not too shabby, though, considering there were 130-something numbered items unloaded from the moving truck! With God's grace, that day actually went a lot smoother than expected. And despite the dreaded precipitation (the movers had to take 2 breaks due to sudden downpours!), all our stuff was moved in and major furniture assembled in less than 3 hours! Woohoo!! The only apparent casualty was our corkboard bulletin board which arrived broken in pieces... so long, faithful office accessory.

We did, however, locate and unpack the intact USB cord for our camera which facilitated the downloading of ~480 pictures! (Hey, carpe Kodak!) But we shant overwhelm you with all of them at once. We'll give just enough to keep you coming back for more. ;)
And now... the long-awaited visual update begins!

Our very first day on Guam is, honestly, a big blur... likely due to its 1am commencement! Hence, the lack of pictures documenting our "first day." What we do have is a photo of our first Sabbath breakfast on Guam which took place in our fairly spacious hotel room. Nothing beats Goober PB&J and "pan de leche" from K-Mart!

We took advantage of our jet lag (it was ~2pm Califronia time!) and went for a morning stroll outside our hotel before heading out to church. What a great way to start the Sabbath!

"Toto, we're not in Murrieta anymore! "

Here, the Philippine Sea reminds us just how far we've come... and how far God has yet to take us.

More to come!


Bev said...

Welcome to Paradise! Where the sun shines through the rain, crystal clear waters, and white sandy beaches exist! You're going to love it here! Still trying to figure out when I can see you. If you don't come to Saipan in October for your birthday . . . then I will go there! I'll be in San Francisco end of September for a whole week!=) xoxo

Sue said...

Great blog, guys! We miss you like crazy. Your place is a little more scenic than ours. Abbie is always asking us why we live in a desert. I never have a very good answer for her. Would you mind if I linked your blog on mine?


Sue said...

Ellie just asked me if Guam was in Fallon. Ahh...poor girl. She misses you guys. Hey, we have the same fave magazine. Isn't it great!

Mom Miranda said...

Finally I believe you're really in Guam!I want more pictures. Maxwell show me those teeth!
Glad you survived the real move!
Can't wait to see you in 13 days!
God bless and much love from Bakersfield!
Mom Miranda