Friday, September 21, 2007


Today, Maxwell is 1 year old! (Although, technically, tomorrow is when it will be September 22 in CA.) At 11:07 pm, on a late Friday night, Max was born at Naval Hospital Camp Pendleton in southern CA. Weighing in at 6 lbs, 14 oz, he made his presence known--thanks to a healthy pair of lungs! Now estimated to be at least 20 lbs and pulling some of his own weight around, my itty bitty baby is turning into a little boy.

The 1st birthday seems to be a milestone for us parents just as much as, if not more than, for our child. Sure, he's growing and learning to make sense of this strange new world... but so are we! If only babies came with owners' manuals! Maybe Mike & I should bake a cake to congratulate ourselves for keeping Max alive and kicking (and celebrate our own survival) for a whole year! Truly a miracle. :)

The main festivities will take place next week with some of our closest friends on the island. But the climax of today's celebration is the welcoming of Lolo GJ and Lola Beth (the Miranda grandparents) whose plane shall be landing in about an hour! Here's how Max is keeping busy in the meantime...


You want a piece of this?


...After! :P


Kyle said...

Thanks for sharing the photos, Gemma--I love the vacuum cleaner picture!!

Mom Miranda said...

Glad we're experiencing this in reality right here in Guam! Sooo fun! The celebration continues, Happy first b-day Maxwell!

Bev said...

Oh, I can't wait to squeeeeeze his checks when I get there! Alittle late . . . but happy 1st bday Max! =P

Sue said...

He is so stinkin' cute! Nice attempt with the vacuum, Mike. We miss you guys!